I meant to post this one a while ago. Edy and her best friend, Gibson, were Mary and Joseph for our children's Christmas program at church.
They played their parts well. Edy even did a quick solo dance number while onstage. Mommy was so proud. :)
There's an outdoor ice skating rink open in Bentonville now. We went on Christmas Eve and had a blast, despite being pretty terrible at it in general.
The girls are growing. And growing. And growing.
Hattie is quite the dramatic.
And Edy must practically be pried out of her princess dress for such lowly tasks as bathing and bedtime.
We took a recent road trip to visit my grandparents in Bryant...
And our dear friends, the Greers, in Bismark.
Their trampoline was a hit.
Edy also got to sleep on her first bunk bed while at the Greers. When I told her about it she looked excited but quietly asked me, "Do they bump hard?"
And Hattie started going to "school" on Thursdays this week.
This was her first day. She loved her lunch bag.
(This update was for you, Sandy :)