We stayed with Josh's step-brother Jesse, his wife Liberty, and their family in their beautiful new home in Jasper.
It was a great time. We enjoyed Jesse's delicious fajitas, took walks, took naps, and caught up. And, to my delight, the dirt road leading to their house was right across the street from the once-famous amusement park "Dog Patch." Ah, memories.
Edy had the time of her life. They had a four-wheeler (her favorite!), their own personal pond for throwing rocks into (also her favorite!) and...
a three-week-old fawn to pet and feed! Heaven on Earth!
Josh and Pat (and Hattie) played and played and played and sang and sang and sang. Endlessly.
Hattie worked on her crawling, which she is now quite good at it, and all without using her knees. It's very impressive.
Outside on the porch. Just minutes before Libery took an ill-fated jog down the road that resulted in a trip to the ER and seven stitches.
And after. Notice the bandage.
Hattie spent a lot of time topless. It was very hot.
And just for cuteness.
Have a great July. See you in several weeks.