Monday, June 10, 2013

For All You Non-Facebookers

Our most recent family photos (minus Josh and I).  But, honestly, who really cares about me and Josh anymore anyway??

Monday, April 22, 2013

Train Ride

Spring has finally come to Arkansas.

And with it, the annual HIPPY train ride.

The girls so looked forward to it and all its wait-around-and-play-in-grass-with-Gibson-and-Lennon-beforehand splendor:

We rode in the dining car this year, which made all the over-priced snacks taste especially fancy.

But it was quite elegant.

And Christian took advantage of the gentle rocking and caught up on his Z's.

Speaking of Christian...he's been enjoying several variaties of mushy foods for several weeks now.

And he's sitting up like a pro.

We are happy. And thankful. And blessed.

Monday, February 18, 2013


In early February we got to spend a week with friends at their cabin in Colorado. It had been a loooong time since we had been out West so it almost seemed as new to us as it did to the kiddos. We were all like gleeful little kids in a candy store.

You should have seen how ridiculous we acted when a little gopher-type fella poked his head up out of his hole at a rest-stop in New Mexico. Little did we know how much more impressive the wildlife would get and just how darn close we would get to get to it.

If you ask Edy what she did in Colorado, she'll say, "I got to pet a deer." It was the only worthwhile thing that happened in her sweet little mind.

Hattie, on the other hand, could have done without the deer (which were scary) and the snow (which was too cold.) This walk consisted of Hattie walking just long enough to take this picture. The rest of the time I hauled her around on my hip. It was better exercise for me, I suppose.

It was awfully nice just to get to see snow, which has decided not to make an appearance in NWA this year.

Mom question...How is she this big???

And, Christian, who had a cough and congestion most of the time we were there (it really wouldn't be vacation without one of our kids being sick) remained a pretty sweet little fella. Though he and I still have differing opinions on just exactly how long naptime should be and how often he should eat.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Good Morning.

So I am behind, again. For all you folks who have commented (Mom, Liberty, Aunt Carol, etc....) hopefully this will satisfy. Really, you should just come see us in person. It's a whole lot easier and more fun. :)

Edy had the thrill of her sweet little life when she got to be the flower girl in both cousin Travis' wedding and Uncle Caleb's wedding. She practiced being a if she needed any practice.

Hattie loves to show her muscles. And run. And growl. And play outside. And cuddle. And tear things up. She is a delight.

And Christian says, "Hi."

"Sons are a heritage from the Lord; children a reward from him." Psalm 127:3